
Friday Aug 02, 2024
You Won't Believe These Myths or Facts About Dogs and Cats
Friday Aug 02, 2024
Friday Aug 02, 2024
Sniffing out the truth: is the warm and dry nose of a dog really a sign of fever? 🐶🤔 Or should cats be given cow's milk? 🥛🐱 Let's uncover the truth behind these popular beliefs! #CatMyths #MilkMyth #DogFacts #MythBuster #MythOrFact #Salmonoil #SalmonOilForCats #SalmonoilforDogs
❤️ Connect with us:ᐧ Facebook - facebook.com/vitalpetlifeᐧ TikTok: @vitalpetlifeᐧ Instagram: @vitalpetlifeᐧ Twitter: @vitalpetlifeᐧ YouTube: @vitalpetlifeᐧ Check out our website - www.vitalpetlife.com
Episode Highlights:[0:48] Myth or fact: female cats should give birth before being spayed[1:28] Oh no! Myth or fact: Warm and dry nose of a dog signals a fever[2:36] Is it true that cats should be given milk like cow's milk?[4:15] Is it a myth? A dog humping, specifically a male, wants to procreate![5:24] Could cats see in complete darkness?[6:29] Female dogs should be neutered at 5-8 months of age to prevent cancer?! Myth or Fact?[14:17] Is it true that table scraps are okay to feed your cat?[16:22] Do dogs have very poor taste buds?[18:07] Myth or fact: Cats wag their tail because they are happy![19:39] All dogs like to be pet on their head 🐶 What do you think?[21:47] Bonus question! Find out! 🍣[22:26] Takeaways and what to remember from this episode ❤️
Don't forget to follow us or send us your questions at podcast@vitalpetlife.com Thank you for tuning in!

Friday Jul 26, 2024
10 Shocking Dog Facts That Will Blow Your Mind
Friday Jul 26, 2024
Friday Jul 26, 2024
🐶 Ever wonder why dogs howl or wag their tails? Do you know when puppies should start getting vaccinated? 🐾 Learn more shocking dog facts 🤔 Uncover fascinating insights and tips on dog behavior in our latest podcast! #DogLovers #PuppyLove #DogCare #PetTips #DogFacts
❤️ Connect with us:ᐧ Facebook - facebook.com/vitalpetlifeᐧ TikTok: @vitalpetlifeᐧ Instagram: @vitalpetlifeᐧ Twitter: @vitalpetlifeᐧ YouTube: @vitalpetlifeᐧ Check out our website - www.vitalpetlife.com
Episode Highlights:[0:40] What age do dogs should start getting vaccinated? Does my dog need flea and tick protection around the year?[2:55] Why does my dog howl a lot?[3:46] Is there a reason behind the wagging of their tails?[4:53] How to make dogs pee or poop in a certain place?[08:22] Why do dogs have wet noses?[11:29] How important is dental care for my dog?[12:05] Do dogs love to swim or should they avoid the beach?[13:30] Why do dogs bark in their sleep? What should I do?[14:37] Is it true dogs are color blind?[14:51] What supplements are recommended for dogs? Is salmon oil good for dogs?[16:37] Find out if dogs love hugs or NOT!
Don't forget to follow us or send us your questions at podcast@vitalpetlife.com Thank you for tuning in!

Friday Jul 19, 2024
Top 5 Cat Health Issues: Discussion with Dr Amber
Friday Jul 19, 2024
Friday Jul 19, 2024
🙀 Discover the top 5 most common health issues that can affect your feline friend! From kidney disease to diabetes, stay up-to-date on how to best care for your feline friend. #CatHealth #CatCare #HealthIssues
❤️ Connect with us:ᐧ Facebook - facebook.com/vitalpetlifeᐧ TikTok: @vitalpetlifeᐧ Instagram: @vitalpetlifeᐧ Twitter: @vitalpetlifeᐧ YouTube: @vitalpetlifeᐧ Check out our website - www.vitalpetlife.com
Episode Highlights:[1:22] Dental Disease and how do you clean your cats?[7:30] Can cats get kidney disease?[12:36] What type of diabetes could cats get?[19:20] Cats also get hyperthyroidism?! 🙀[25:05] What is Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV) and why do cats get it?
Don't forget to follow us or send us your questions at podcast@vitalpetlife.com Thank you for tuning in!

Friday Jul 12, 2024
Secret Tricks For Your Furbaby's Tummy Problems
Friday Jul 12, 2024
Friday Jul 12, 2024
🔎🐾 Curious about digestive problems in dogs? Discover how to test for and address stomach issues to keep your pup's gut healthy! 🐶💪 #digestivehealth #dogcare #healthygut #dogwellness #stomachproblems #furbabies #doghealth
❤️ Connect with us:ᐧ Facebook - facebook.com/vitalpetlifeᐧ TikTok: @vitalpetlifeᐧ Instagram: @vitalpetlifeᐧ Twitter X: @vitalpetlifeᐧ YouTube: @vitalpetlifeᐧ Check out our website - www.vitalpetlife.com
Episode Highlights:[1:06] What are the most common stomach problems in dogs?[4:28] How do you test a dog for digestive problems?[6:56] What are the signs you need to look for?[14:11] How do I make sure my dog has a healthy gut?[18:04] Find out if Dr Amber recommended probiotics!
Don't forget to follow us or send us your questions at podcast@vitalpetlife.com Thank you for tuning in!

Friday Jun 28, 2024
Is Your Dog Missing Out On These Delicious Human Foods?
Friday Jun 28, 2024
Friday Jun 28, 2024
🐶💔 Shocking: Discover which fruits and vegetables are safe for your furbaby. You won't believe what human foods are actually healthy or toxic. This is your ultimate guide to feeding your dog human food - you'll be surprised!! #dogtreats #healthychoices #doghealth #humanfood #toxicfood
❤️ Connect with us:ᐧ Facebook - facebook.com/vitalpetlifeᐧ TikTok: @vitalpetlifeᐧ Instagram: @vitalpetlifeᐧ Twitter: @vitalpetlifeᐧ YouTube: @vitalpetlifeᐧ Check out our website - www.vitalpetlife.com
Episode Highlights:[0:42] What kind of human food that we eat that we can basically give to our furbabies? Fruits, veggies and more?[1:59] How long do you think you can introduce another treat?[2:33] Could you give ice to your dog?[5:17] Myth or Fact: Bananas should be given when dogs have allergies![6:02] Could human food replace your dog's meal?[7:39] Are tomatoes safe for dogs?[9:36] How much water intake should your dog get?[10:40] Is avocado good or bad for your dogs?[11:38] Oh no! These type of food can lead your dog to kidney failure![12:46] Is the Puppuccino healthy? Is it safe for your dogs?[13:48] Is it true potatoes are toxic for your dogs?[15:52] Truth about xylitol!
Don't forget to follow us or send us your questions at podcast@vitalpetlife.com Thank you for tuning in!

Friday May 31, 2024
Help! My Pet Has Bladder Stones: What Now?
Friday May 31, 2024
Friday May 31, 2024
🐶💔 Does your pup show these symptoms? Unveiling the hidden signs of bladder stones and what you must do! #VetTips #BladderStones #Dogs #WhatToDo
❤️ Connect with us:ᐧ Facebook - facebook.com/vitalpetlifeᐧ TikTok: @vitalpetlifeᐧ Instagram: @vitalpetlifeᐧ Twitter: @vitalpetlifeᐧ YouTube: @vitalpetlife
ᐧ Check out our website - www.vitalpetlife.com
Episode Highlights:
[0:55] Bladder stones journey of Fur baby Tux [08:44] Find out what's the only way to prevent bladder stones![08:56] Types of Bladder Stones[10:21] Dr Amber explains common signs or symptoms of bladder stones[17:14] How will pet parents or dog owners prevent bladder stones?[19:25] Find out what Dr Amber recommends![25:27] Could your dog still be able to eat treats, kibbles or human food?[27:37] Fun fact about a cat supplement!
Don't forget to follow us or send us your questions at podcast@vitalpetlife.com Thank you for tuning in!
Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/vitalpetlife/message

Friday Apr 19, 2024
Shocking Truths About Owning Exotic Pets
Friday Apr 19, 2024
Friday Apr 19, 2024
Want to know the secrets of caring for exotic pets? Join us for a mysterious journey as we uncover the truth about these fascinating creatures. Explore the fascinating world of exotic animals where our special guest, Dr. Julie Yeager,DVM, answers your burning questions and shares expert advice. 🐍🐢✨#exoticpets #exoticpetcare #petcare #petadvice #mystery
❤️ Connect with us:
ᐧ Facebook - facebook.com/vitalpetlife
ᐧ TikTok: @vitalpetlife
ᐧ Instagram: @vitalpetlife
ᐧ Twitter: @vitalpetlife
ᐧ YouTube: @vitalpetlife
ᐧ Check out our website - www.vitalpetlife.com
Episode Highlights:
[0:07] Vital Pet Life's 7th Birthday 🎂
[[1:28] Get To Know Dr. Julie Yeager!
[3:30] What are exotic pets? What makes a pet exotic?
[4:45] How to handle exotic pets?
[05:30] Dr Julie's experience with exotic pets as patients
[6:05] Why do exotic pets go to the vet?
[8:00] What is the most common exotic pet in the United States? Are there specific states that only allow exotic pets?
[10:00] Are exotic pets more temperamental?
[14:53] What is the most friendly exotic pet?
[15:26] All about ferrets!
[16:00] Some exotic pets love Salmon Oil too ❤️
[17:50] How long do exotic pets live?
[22:10] What supplements do exotic pets have in common? Could they intake Salmon Oil or Glucosamine?
[24:00] Specific vitamins for exotic pets that you don't know!
[27:00] Where should exotic pets be placed: inside or outside the house?
[33:12] Can hedgehogs stay in cold rooms, like what temperature?
[33:46] How often should you bathe hedgehogs?
[35:00] What are some fun facts about exotic animals?
[42:00] What’s the most challenging exotic animal?
[45:40] What’s your advice for those who want to adopt or bring home exotic pets?
Don't forget to follow us or send us your questions at podcast@vitalpetlife.com Thank you for tuning in!
Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/vitalpetlife/message

Friday Mar 08, 2024
Paws, Plants, and Precautions: Your Guide to Safe Hiking with Pets
Friday Mar 08, 2024
Friday Mar 08, 2024
🌺🐕 Keep your pet safe on hikes by knowing what plants to avoid! Find out what to do if your furbaby suddenly starts scratching after coming into contact with toxic herbs. #PetSafey #PetHealthTips #PetHiking
❤️ Connect with us:ᐧ Facebook - facebook.com/vitalpetlifeᐧ TikTok: @vitalpetlifeᐧ Instagram: @vitalpetlifeᐧ Twitter: @vitalpetlifeᐧ YouTube: @vitalpetlife
ᐧ Check out our website - www.vitalpetlife.com
Episode Highlights:
[1:28] What are the plants that are toxic to dogs when you or when they get in contact on a trail?[5:26] Tip: What to do when you get back from hiking?[11:28] What kind of medication or over the counter will Dr Amber recommend before your pet do hiking or during hiking?16:23] What's the most recommended water for your furbaby dog, cat?
Don't forget to follow us or send us your questions at podcast@vitalpetlife.com Thank you for tuning in!
Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/vitalpetlife/message

Thursday Feb 01, 2024
Secrets Cats Take To Their Grave
Thursday Feb 01, 2024
Thursday Feb 01, 2024
Curious about cats? 🤔🐱 Join us on a fascinating journey as we address the top 10 most asked questions on Google or #AskDrAmber about our feline friends.
📚 Find out how to introduce a new adult cat to your kitty. Get informed on cat pregnancy duration, ideal weight, and more! 🐾 #Cats101 #EducationalContent #CatFacts #CatLoversUnite ❤️
Connect with us:ᐧ Facebook - facebook.com/vitalpetlifeᐧ TikTok: @vitalpetlifeᐧ Instagram: @vitalpetlifeᐧ Twitter: @vitalpetlifeᐧ YouTube: @vitalpetlife
ᐧ Check out our website - www.vitalpetlife.com
Episode Highlights:
[1:35] How to introduce a new cat (adult) to your kitty at home?[4:19] How long do cats live?[5:23] Is it true that male cats are friendlier than females?[6:45] How long are cats pregnant?[7:08] What's the good weight for cats?[8:27] Why do cats eat grass but dislike water?[11:30] Why do cats sleep so much?[12:41] What vaccinations do cats need?[15:21] What are the best supplements do you recommend for cats? [17:47] What are the benefits of Salmon Oil for cats?
Don't forget to follow us or send us your questions at podcast@vitalpetlife.com.† Thank you for tuning in to start your 2024!
Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/vitalpetlife/message

Saturday Dec 30, 2023
Chowder the Bulldog Shares the Secret to Skateboarding
Saturday Dec 30, 2023
Saturday Dec 30, 2023
Witness the pawsome journey of Chowder, the skateboarding bulldog, as his furmom Jami joins us and shares secrets 🐾🛹 Be amazed by his incredible skill discovery and know whether he's a senior dog or not 🌟 #ChowderTheThrillseeker #SkateboardingBulldog
About GuestJami Delperdang is the devoted pet parent to Chowderthebulldog, a thrill-seeking English bulldog who lives for skateboarding, snowboarding, and surfing. Chowder brings smiles to millions with his videos on social media. Jami is a career marketer by day and is grateful for the opportunity to use Chowder's social media presence as a way to promote pet rescue.
❤️ Connect with us:ᐧ Facebook - facebook.com/vitalpetlifeᐧ TikTok: @vitalpetlifeᐧ Instagram: @vitalpetlifeᐧ Twitter: @vitalpetlifeᐧ YouTube: @vitalpetlifeᐧ
Check out our website - www.vitalpetlife.com
❤️ Follow Chowder:ᐧ TikTok: @Chowderthebulldog ᐧ Instagram: @Chowderthebulldog1Check out their website too 🐶 www.chowderthebulldog.com
Episode Highlights:
[1:40] Jami talks about her family and how Chowder became part of their life[4:30] Jami shares the secret to on how she discovered Chowder's skateboarding skills[6:40] Chowder's preparation during his skateboarding[10:50] Most challenging time with Chowder — more patience[13:00] Dr Amber tells us when you will know your dog is a senior dog[15:08] What does Dr Amber has to say about Chowder?[16:00] Dr Amber's recommended supplements, food and diet for active dogs[18:18] How important is your dog's weight?[19:00] Secret to making Chowder the bulldog active[22:50] Chowder's skateboarding sessions[25:40] Another secret of Chowder besides skateboarding[26:45] Jami and Chowder's passion to make people smile
Don't forget to follow us or send us your questions at podcast@vitalpetlife.com. Thank you for tuning in this 2023!
Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/vitalpetlife/message

On A Mission To Bring Love + Vitality + Joy To Your Pet